We have included some information below which you may find helpful, including important dates, a map of the school and guidance on uniform and equipment required for new Junior School pupils. This will help you and your daughter to prepare and ensure that she has everything she needs for her first day of term.

On your daughter’s first day at school you will have access to ParentsPlace, where you will be able to view your daughter's progress and stay informed of important school information, such as timetables, attendance, school reports, the school calendar, lunch menus and mailings

2021-2022 Term Dates

Junior School Handbook

School Uniform

School Blazer - our school uniform supplier

PE Kit

PE Handbook 2021-2022 

Further Information

Junior School Houses 

Our Junior School Houses, Marie Curie (green), Ada Lovelace (red), Rosa Parks (blue) and Wilma Rudolph (yellow) help girls to find their way, make friends with girls in other years and earn a sense of pride from being part of a team. When your daughter starts at Putney High Junior School she will be allocated to one of these Houses.

These inspirational women were voted as our House names by all the junior school pupils. Girls earn house points for outstanding efforts in class and participate in sporting activities in their house teams. They also work together in their houses to raise money for for their chosen charities.

Junior School Handbook - to come

School Bus

Putney High School bus routes and booking form

Wrap Around Care

For further information, please visit the Super Camps website.

Putney High School offers full wrap around care for all Junior School pupils.

Breakfast clubs and after-school clubs are delivered by Super Camps, the UK’s no.1 for childcare during the school holidays. Wrap around care runs from 7.30am before school and until 6pm after school. All clubs include an exciting range of activities to keep children entertained, with breakfast and snacks included.

Putney High School parents can also enjoy the additional bonus of 10% off all bookings for summer camps and specialist science camps, which run at the School during the summer holidays.

Friends of Putney High School

FOPHS stands for Friends Of Putney High School, and they are a charity run by parent volunteers with three main objectives: Friendship. Fundraising & Fun.  All Putney High School parents are automatically members of FOPHS, but so they can contact you, as well as include your details on a Year Group List, they need your permission.

If you would like to find out more, please take a look at the FOPHS page on the school website.